
Nepali deputy PM leaves for Shanghai Expo 2010

時間:2010-09-02 09:42   來源:SRC-174

KATHMANDU, Sept. 1 (Xinhua) -- Deputy Prime Minister and foreign minister Sujata Koirala left here for China on Wednesday to inaugurate the Nepal Mandap in the Shanghai Expo 2010.

Minister Koirala left for China Wednesday afternoon by Thai Airlines plane, foreign ministry officials informed.

Nepal is scheduled to exhibit Nepal's Mandap on Friday. The Shanghai Expo has been on show since three months.

Nepal Mandap was completed in three years and has become one of the hot spots for those visiting the expo.

It was prepared by some 350 craftsmen and has already attracted more than 4 million people so far.

There are 189 countries and regions participating in the exhibition.




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