
Jimmy Carter visits World Expo

時間:2010-09-10 14:41   來源:SRC-5677

Former US president Jimmy Carter visited the China Pavilion and the USA Pavilion in the World Expo yesterday.

At the China Pavilion, the 86-year-old former statesman watched a multimedia film, "Harmonious China," and took a close look at the 2,200-year-old bronze chariot and horses excavated from the Qin Tomb in Xi'an, and the video projection of a 12th-century scroll painting, "Along the River During the Qingming Festival."

Carter expressed his admiration for the Chinese wisdom and wished the World Expo in Shanghai a big success.

The China Pavilion staff presented him souvenir silver coins with images of the China Pavilion, the Expo Center, the Expo Boulevard, the Expo Culture Center and the Theme Pavilion.

At the USA Pavilion, Carter talked to the American staff and volunteers and encouraged them to do a good job during the Expo.




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